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Eurofins Fuse - July 2024

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Eurofins Fuse




Selling Toys on the EU Market: FAQ on CE Marking for Toys

Toy manufacturers must attain CE marking for their products before selling them on the EU market. To assist newcomers in navigating this process, our experts have addressed common queries in our most recent article, "Selling Toys on the EU Market: FAQ on CE Marking for Toys".


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Flammability Regulations and Testing Standards for Bedding and Upholstered Furniture

Bedding and upholstered furniture is often associated with a higher fire risk for end users. To protect consumers, various flammability regulations and testing standards have been implemented by governments.


This article delves into the flammability regulations and testing standards for bedding and upholstered furniture for residential/domestic use in the EU, UK, and US.


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Event: Exhibiting in the AHFA 2024 Regulatory Summit (7-8 August 2024)

We will be exhibiting at the American Home Furnishings Alliance (AHFA) 2024 Regulatory Summit in Colfax, U.S.


Visit our table and meet with our testing experts who can help you address your regulatory and legislative challenges. Arrange an on-site meeting with us now.


Arrange an on-site meeting



Webinar: A New Approach to Cotton Origin Verification Testing (9 August 2024)

Supply chain transparency, particularly origin of cotton, has garnered increasing attention in recent years.


Join this webinar as we reveal our strategic partner for bringing a new cotton origin verification testing service to the market. We will also cover the advantages it will provide to businesses who are looking to verify the origin of cotton in their products.


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