Pollinator Testing

Let Eurofins Regulatory Science Services help you anticipate, interpret and comply with emerging pollinator testing guidelines. With nearly three decades of experience assessing potential toxicological effects of chemicals on pollinators, it’s no surprise that we are at the forefront of evolving global regulatory framework for pollinator testing.
We offer unparalleled expertise, expanding capacity and the full breadth of analytical capabilities needed to expertly address new Tier One and other laboratory-based pollinator testing requirements. Eurofins Regulatory Science Services will help your company anticipate, interpret and comply with the emerging US EPA and OECD testing guidance for honeybees and other pollinators. Our scientists have been there from the beginning, developing new techniques and knowledge through evolving regulatory requirements.
Ground-breaking Thought Leadership: Even before the release of the US EPA’s 2012 quantitative risk assessment process, Eurofins scientists were actively advancing laboratory methods used to assess risks to pollinators. Through ongoing industry workshops and scientific discussions with the global regulatory community, Our scientists continue to develop new techniques, helping to shape future guidance for testing individual bees as well as bee colonies and hives.
Nearly Year-round Testing at Our Newest Laboratory: Our newest pollinator laboratory in sunny Gainesville, Florida is located at the optimal latitude for brood production and allows testing 10 months out of the year. This means triple the capacity compared with facilities in cooler climates, and greater flexibility in scheduling your testing programs.
On-site Bee Husbandry Ensures Supplies of Quality Test Stock: Unlike other laboratories who source test bee stock from suppliers, we maintain our own honey bee hives for testing purposes—and keeps detailed husbandry records on-site. We employ experts in hive management to promote bee health and reproduction, and to a regular supply of high quality bees for testing. And with ample room to expand, Eurofins Regulatory Science Services is poised to meet the growing industry need for quality test stock. We also anticipate developing capabilities to address higher tier exposure studies.
Comprehensive and Complementary Analytical Services: Eurofins Regulatory Science Services offers the full suite of analytical techniques and technologies required to support larval and other laboratory-based testing programs. Through multiple locations across the U.S. and in Europe, Eurofins provides the convenience of a single provider for all your GLP-compliant testing needs.
Our pollinator testing capabilities include all six core studies required by the US EPA:
- Adult HB Contact (US EPA 850.3020, OECD 214)
- Adult HB Oral (OECD 213)
- Adult Chronic (proposed new OECD guideline)
- Larval Acute – 7 day (OECD 237)
- Larval Chronic – 22 day (proposed new OECD guideline); developing method
- Additional pollinator tests include:
- Adult HB Foliage Residue (US EPA 850.3030)
- Adult HB Pathogenicity (EPA 885.4380)
- Bee Culturing/Husbandry:
- Two apiaries on site with 30 hives each
- Bumblebee colonies
- Developing capabilities to work with native species
Contact erssinfo@eurofins.com for more information!