Aquatic Safety Studies

Eurofins Regulatory Science Services provides the full complement of aquatic ecotoxicological GLP studies required to investigate the specific, acute, and chronic effects of chemicals on aquatic organisms for global product submissions.
Widely respected as industry leaders in environmental safety services, our experienced staff has designed and custom-built static, semi-static, and flow-through test systems with stringent environmental monitoring and control like no others in the world. Our proprietary systems support a wide variety of testing capabilities, from routine studies to specialized test designs to evaluate challenging compounds.
Our sophisticated, self-regulating diluter systems and electronic monitoring systems assure stable aquatic exposure conditions, enabling consistently valid test data generation. Our teams are highly experienced in testing low-solubility compounds and other difficult-to-test substances.
Our aquatic safety studies include:
- Acute and chronic tests (growth, lifecycle, early life stage, sub-acute, etc.)
- Freshwater and marine invertebrates (Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia sp., mysids and oyster)
- Freshwater and estuarine fish (rainbow trout, bluegill sunfish, fathead minnow, common carp, zebrafish, medaka, stickleback, sheepshead minnow, Atlantic silversides)
- Amphibians (leopard frog, Xenopus sp., others as available)
- Sediment dwellers and digesters (Chironomus riparius, Chironomus dilutus, Leptocheirus plumulosus, Lumbriculus variegatus, Hyalella azteca)
- Bioaccumulation:
- Hyalella azteca Bioconcentration Test (HYBIT)
- Bioconcentration and biomagnification with fish, oysters and other species upon request
- Non-GLP screening tests (e.g. product screening)
- New developments with sediments
- Acute and chronic toxicity testing with Chironomus, Hyalella, Lumbriculus, Leptocheirus
- Specific techniques developed to deal with highly absorptive test substances
- Bioaccumulation testing in sediment dwelling organisms
- Endocrine Testing
- Fish short-term reproduction assay (FSTRA)
- Amphibian metamorphosis assay (AMA)
- Medaka extended one-generation reproduction test (MEOGRT)
- Larval Amphibian Growth and Development assay (LAGDA)
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