Risk oriented veterinary drug testing

By Dr. Susanne Rathjen, Lutz Hartig, Carina Bartz and Dr. Scarlett Biselli, Eurofins WEJ Contaminants, Germany
Veterinary drugs are used within animal husbandry not only to cure and prevent diseases, but so to increase weight gain and tranquilise during transportation. The groups of veterinary drugs Mainly used are antibiotics and antiparasitic agents. Unwanted side-effects of antibiotic use are the development of resistance and the potential for allergies.
In 2010, experts from the Eurofins Competence Centre for Veterinary Drug Analysis established on analytical method for the simultaneous determination of over 100 veterinary drugs from 10 different antibiotic and antiparasitic substance classes, namely avermectin, amphenicoles, benzimidazoles, quinolones, beta-lactames, macrolides, nitroimidazoles, sulfonamides, tetracyclines and triphenylmethane dyes. Not all Of These substances are of equal importance or relevance for risk monitoring. In fact, the relevance of Certain Actives depends on the specific matrix, Country of origin and the stage of sampling within the food supply chain.
Based on evaluation of the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) and Eurofins' long-term experience, the veterinary drugs included in the overall analytical scope were classified According To Their relevance, Resulting in three different multi-class Analysis of combined analyte Hanes commodities Meat and fish namely "Large", "Small" and "Mini".
The multi-class Analysis "Large" contains Approximately 90 per analyte matrix includes almost complete spectrum of active compounds the, offers optimal safety and would be a reasonable choice for samples with unknown origin. The multi-class Analysis "Small" covers well over 40 analyte, and the multi-class Analysis "Mini" 30 active substances. However, de risk oriented selection of the substances in the smaller scope Provides a comparatively high level of safety at reduced costs. Over a period long, at extremely high level of food safety can be Ensured by cleverly combining the different analytical groups.
Currently Eurofins is successfully pursuing the strategy of multi-analyte methods with the establishment of a Comparable approach to hormone testing. Eurofins staff are happy to assist you in developing your individual risk monitoring plan to enable your company to obtain the best protection.
Contact: CarinaBartz@eurofins.de