Competence in monitoring persistent chemicals

Analysis of 24 “Stockholm-POPs” and more at Eurofins GfA
By Frank Neugebauer, Competence Center for dioxins & persistent organic pollutants, Eurofins GfA GmbH, Germany
Whether they induce human disease, have adverse effects on animals or contaminate food and feed – the negative properties and effects of the 24 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are many.
Since the end of August 2010, the number of pollutants banned or restricted on a worldwide basis has extended to a total of 21 chemicals, with an additional 3 further candidates under review. Amongst them are accidentally produced chemicals such as dioxins, or industrially synthesised ones such as pesticides, PCBs, flame retardants and fluorinated surfactants. They all have one thing in common. They are released into the global ecosystems and are difficult to remove. They act as endocrine disruptors or as mutagens or are just poisons and are therefore under increased observation by concerned governments of the world. Their accumulation within the food chain reaches the human body and hence special attention is given to foods where they may be found, for example fish, eggs, milk or cheese.
Control is now being acquired from a binding international agreement negotiated in Sweden and issued in 2001. The Stockholm Convention on POPs has been signed by over 150 countries agreeing on prohibition or restriction of these chemicals by establishing national implementation plans and regulations within the signatory countries.
Eurofins GfA acts as a POP Competence Centre within Eurofins, offering analysis of the whole range of Stockholm POPs or the potential candidates. Using a set of sophisticated mass-spectrometric techniques 24 pollutants or pollutant groups can be quantified including the well-known contaminants dioxins (PCDD/F) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), DDT or several brominated flame retardants.
The complete list of pollutants analysed as well as more information can be found at
Furthermore, Eurofins GfA is also offering solutions for similar compounds such as PAHs, organotin compounds, phosphorous flame retardants or “novel POPs”.