Water Testing Services

Eurofins companies are a leading provider of water testing services, with its wide range of assays in water analysis is your partner for all physical, chemical and microbiological testing.
Potable water
Microbiological and Legionella analyses
High quality drinking water is imperative to crew, passengers and other people aboard the vessel. Due to limited space onboard, the drinking water source might be close to wastewater and heat sources which can be hazardous.
Eurofins can give a definite answer about the microbiological and legionella content in drinking water by means of analysis.
Legal framework
Eurofins is aware of the legislation vessel drinking water is subject to:
- WHO Ship Sanitation Certificate
- ILO Convention 178
- MLC 2006
Accredit analysis methods
Eurofins uses accredited analysis methods according to NS-EN
ISO norms.
Delivery time results
Your results for Microbiological will be sent to you within 5 working days, the results for Legionella within 8 working days.
Certificates will be in English. For more urgent requests, for example in case of increased values, you can contact your account manager for an appropriate advice.
Surveyor and self-sampling opportunities
Eurofins offers self-sampling by using a sampling kit, complete with instructions. The sample should be taken via continuous drip by using a fuel drip sampler.
Conainers provided by Eurofins
For each analysis you need to send us a sample container containing 1000 ml of material. Delivery of this kit is included and contains:
- Cubitainer
- Sample bottle
- Multiple duplicat bottles
- Seal
- Courier bag
- Shipping box
Flexible logistics
Eurofins provides transportation of the samples. You can use the worldwide logistic network of Eurofins, and send the samples from any port to our laboratory.
We offer professional sampling by a surveyor in the ARA Region and ports in Poland, Spain and Singapore.
Click here for our brochure on potable water.