Ballast Water Management (BWM)

All vessels must comply with the Ballast Water Discharge standard in accordance with the International Convention for the control and management of ships’ ballast water and sediments. (2004 IMO BWM/CONF/36). As such, in general your vessel, should have an International Ballast Water Management Certificate, issued by class as Recognised Organisation (RO) to the national administration, you can contact us to come to a BWM Certificate.
Which ships should comply?
All ships designed or constructed to carry ballast
water, unless:
- The vessel operates only in the waters of one Party to the Convention.
- The vessel has an exemption. (c.f. Convention: Article 3; Regulations A-3 and A-4).
Fluids that needs a monitoring
Entry into force (EIF) of the BWM Convention was 8 Sept 2017.
- New vessels (built on or after 8 Sept 2017) must meet D-2 standards.
- Existing ships (built before 8 Sept 2017) must meet D-2 standards at first IOPP renewal survey after 8 Sept 2019.
- All vessels must comply with D-2 standards ultimately 8 Sept 2024
Type approvals
Although almost all BWMS gained Type Approval, ballast conditions of the ambient water vary along the globe. Consequently, there is not a single BWMS fit for all purposes. Most are expected to fulfil the majority of the general conditions. Together with our strategic partners, Eurofins has conducted many Type Approvals on many BWMS (and still does); we can assist you with information and can perform your commissioning testing.
We employ a professional and committed team, which in mutual consultation can travel to your vessel 24/7. Schedule your commissioning in time and let Eurofins use their expertise to relieve you of your concern.