Asbestos Services

Asbestos fibers have great strength, they can bear high temperatures, it is nonconductive for temperature, sound and electricity. These characteristics makes asbestos ideal for use in various products in the maritime and off-shore industry. But despite these good characteristics, Asbestos is above all very dangerous.
It has the ability to break down into microscopically thin fibers, so individual can breathe these fibers in. Decades of research has proven exposure asbestos is a carcinogen material. Approximately 90.000 people die from asbestos-related diseases globaly each year.
Eurofins Maritime Services has a number of certified and experienced asbestos experts who can provide tailor-made solutions for every asbestos issue. For example, we assist in the removal of asbestos from the vessel. Eurofins uses accredited analysis methods according to ISO 17025 and NEN 5896 standards.
In all cases, asbestos should be managed properly. Drawing up an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) is a crucial part of this process. Eurofins can provide professional sampling by a surveyor and safe removal of asbestos through the Batteryspray method.
Personal Protection Equipment Asbestos (PPEA)
If during the IHM survey asbestos was established on board the ship, this PPEA must be on board to manage the risks of crew exposure to asbestos in case of emergency repairs at sea.
The PPEA is also required per IMO/SOLAS CH. II-1 regulation 3.5.2. The kit fulfills the needs and requirements per the above regulation.
Click here for our brochure for Personal Protection Equipment Asbestos.