Analyst Coverage

AlphaValue |
Nupur Gupta |
Bank of America |
Himanshu Agarwal |
Barclays |
James Rose |
Berenberg |
Carl Raynsford |
BernsteinSG |
Delphine Le Louet |
CIC Market Solutions |
Arnaud Cadart |
Citi |
Arthur Truslove |
Deutsche Bank |
Ben Wild |
BNP Paribas Exane |
Tom Burlton |
Gilbert Dupont |
Guillaume Cuvillier |
Goldman Sachs |
Suhasini Varanasi |
Rajesh Kumar |
Jefferies |
Allen Wells |
Kepler Cheuvreux |
Pablo Cuadrado |
Morgan Stanley |
Annelies Vermeulen |
Morningstar |
Jay Lee |
Geoffroy Michalet |
Redburn |
Neil Tyler |
Eurofins Scientific S.E. ("Eurofins" or "the Group") is covered by the analysts listed above. Please note that any ratings, reports, opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Eurofins’ performance made by these analysts constitute their work product and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Eurofins or its management.
Eurofins disclaims any representation, either expressed or implied, that the information in the reports produced by these analysts are accurate or that the statements in their reports coincide with the company’s views. Eurofins does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.