Human Safety Testing for Food

Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich GmbH is an internationally operating testing laboratory offering comprehensive capabilities in safety and activity testing. With more than 30 years of experience, our team of scientists offers a broad scope of biological studies, which meet the international regulatory requirements of safety testing for feed, novel food, food additives, food enzymes and flavourings.
The identification of hazardous ingredients is mandatory for consumer protection. Toxicological testing is used to determine, whether food or feed products would pose any kind of risk to the health of consumers.
Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich provides the full service to assess the biological and toxicological data under GLP-compliance according to the current European regulations (EFSA) and further international relevant guidelines (Redbook 2000, FDA).
Our Profile of Services for the Safety Testing of Food:
Safety data for food/feed need to be generated by a basic set of toxicological studies. In addition further studies might be required on a case by case basis.
- Genetic toxicity (e.g. AMES Test (OECD 471) and Micronucleus Study (OECD 487)
- Subchronic toxicity (e.g. 90-Day Oral Toxicity Study (OECD 408) [under consideration of specific adaptations laid down in more recent update of Guideline 407 (as required in EFSA Journal 2012; 10(7):2760: Guidance for submission for food additive evaluations)
- Chronic toxicity / Carcinogenicity
- Reproductive and developmental toxicity (DART)
- Metabolism / Toxicokinetics
Besides the standard testing battery we offer individual advice concerning your specific project with regard to scientific and regulatory requirements. These customized test designs include neutotoxicity and immunotoxicity testing to address specific safety concerns.