Eurofins Seminar: in vitro Toxicology at a Glance

Eurofins Human Safety Seminar:
in vitro Toxicology at a Glance: Today's Challenges, Solutions & Future Developments
The massive implementation of the use of in vitro models for regulatory toxicology assessments triggered several questions regarding the most appropriate use of adverse effects such as Skin Sensitization, Eye/Skin Irritation/Corrosion, Endocrine Disruptors and Genetic Toxicity using the several in vitro models currently available.
Our seminar aims to provide an overview of the test methods currently available, describe challenges encountered in their application and outline possible solutions. New methods under development or validation programs will also be presented and discussed.
in vitro Methods to Test for Endocrine Disrupting Properties |
in vitro Skin Sensitization – Challenges to Overcome |
Eye Irritation ex vivo and in vitro methods - Current Status |
GARD Platfom, Genomic Test for Skin and Respiratory Sensitization with Potency Classification |
New Developments in Genotoxicity Testing for Chemicals, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals – in vitro and in vivo Comet Assay |
EPISKIN reconstructed Human Tissues for Testing Strategies of Eye Irritation and Skin Sensitization Assessment of Chemicals and Mixtures |
The full agenda for the seminar can be downloaded here.
The Eurofins Human Safety Seminar will take place on 29 November 2018 in the new laboratory and office building of Eurofins Munich, Robert-Koch-Straße 3a in Planegg near Munich, Germany. A detailed description how to find us can be downloaded here.
Early Bird Registration: Register before October 5th 2018 to benefit from discount!