Our quality standards are extremely high and all our procedures and testing methods comply with relevant legislation, standards and best practice guidelines to provide legally defensible results. All of our services are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service to the internationally-recognised ISO17025:2017 quality standard. See www.ukas.com for full scope of accreditation. Our scene-attendance service from Wakefield is accredited to ISO17020. All of our work is fully-compliant with the UK Forensic Science Regulator’s Code of Conduct.
Our state-of-the-art forensic genetics and toxicology laboratories provide scientific clarity when it’s most needed, whether it’s to settle private paternity disputes or to help the police solve crimes. Our teams of internationally renowned scientists act as expert witnesses in court and work closely with the police, lawyers, industry and private clients.
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Many of operational staff have over twenty years’ experience as forensic practitioners, are renowned in their fields of expertise and have delivered hundreds of cases in their careers. All are accustomed to providing expert testimony in court and they can withstand the rigours of cross examination and the pressured environment of the courtroom. All EFS staff are security cleared to the UK counter-terrorist level.
EFS Carbon Reduction Plan PPN 0621 V3
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