Rev'Elles (France)

“Every young woman should be able to dream, choose and take ownership of her personal and professional life, regardless of her social background”. This key statement reflects the ambition of Rêv’Elles’ Founder and Director, Athina Marmorat.
Since 2013, Rêv’Elles has been advocating and promoting equal opportunities for young women from underprivileged backgrounds through programmes which generate major professional breakthroughs and opportunities for their beneficiaries.
Since 2020, Eurofins Foundation has supported the RVL Tech programme, aimed at raising awareness about scientific and digital careers among young women aged 14 to 25 who come from disadvantaged neighborhoods. The main goal is to break gender stereotypes, confront difficulties in representing professions, and reduce orientation bias and self-censorship, which can lead young women to abandon these fields at a key moment in their orientation.
The RVL Tech programme implements projects involving companies, schools or other groups, to make young women aware of careers in technology and science.
In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation’s support contributed to the organisation of 13 activities within the RVL Tech pedagogical programme, including mostly visits of laboratories, constructions sites, and facilities and 2 educational forums, one focused on digital and new technology jobs and the other focused on scientific jobs.
170 young girls will have benefited from the programme in 2022:
Between 90 and 100% of the girls, depending on the activity, say they have discovered new job opportunities. Just as many noted that their perception of the scientific and digital sectors is now positive. Up to 70% of them even say they can imagine working in these sectors.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals