FUNBIO - The Brazilian Biodiversity Fund

FUNBIO - The Brazilian Biodiversity Fund
The Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO) is a Brazilian non-profit organisation created in 1996 to contribute to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Brazil. Over 24 years, in line with its mission to provide strategic resources to the conservation of biodiversity, FUNBIO has supported more than 300 projects across all Brazilian biomes in partnership with civil society, private companies, academia and governments.
In 2020/2021, the Eurofins Foundation provided funding to the FUNBIO Grants: Conserving the Future Programme.
This programme focuses on fieldwork, a fundamental stage in scientific research and knowledge-building, contributing to biodiversity protection and sustainable development. In its 2 years of existence, the programme allocated resources to support 60 projects nationwide in the fields of conservation and sustainable management of fauna and flora, territorial management, climate change, and landscape recovery. Eurofins Foundation’s contribution will help the programme support more students.
In this edition, 37 research projects were selected, 30 for PhD and 7 for masters, from 27 different research institutions originating from 16 Brazilian States. The results are published here.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals