Kulturbrücke Hamburg e.V (Germany)

There are many ways to do something good for others. Kulturbrücke Hamburg e. V. (Bridge of Culture) works to bring together Hamburg residents from 180 nations to "build cultural bridges".
Kulturbrücke’s diverse and award-winning projects aim to enable intercultural exchange and communication between families of different origins. They also aim to create tolerance and foster understanding.
In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation supported the “Switch Tutor Project”.
Started in March 2019, it offers homework supervision and tutoring for refugee school children. In addition, Kulturbrücke Hamburg e. V. also has committed and competent tutors working directly in refugee accommodations, one or two days a week for about two hours, to help young people there with their homework and other school-related matters. The aim is to offer the children a safe and nurturing learning space where they can ask questions and develop further.
In 2022, the organisation provided support in 15 locations throughout Hamburg, up to three times a week for up to 10 children at a time.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals