Gitaru Marigu Development Group (Kenya)

Gitaru Marigu Development Group
Gitaru Marigu Development Group is a Kenyan community-based organisation formed by local opinion leaders, community members and families affected by HIV/AIDS.
Its mission is to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and children by strengthening the capacity of the community to take care of women and children in families affected by HIV/AIDS. To do this, the organisation offers financial and material support to children in need, initiates and enhances education programmes for children, helps caregivers to access capital and acquire the basic skills needed to generate resources, and strengthens the communal spirit of using the available land resource to increase the quantity of food being produced.
In 2023/24, the Eurofins Foundation is supporting the project Livelihood Enhancement through Beekeeping, which aims to reduce poverty among rural communities.
50 beehives, honey harvesting equipment and training will initially be provided to ten members of the local community, then used as a platform for the training and support of up to 210 local people who are interested in beekeeping.
Some of the project’s objectives are to establish an innovative model of micro-economic enterprise which can be replicated in other rural parts of Kenya; improve the care and protection of children from HIV/AIDS and other viruses; and improve farming techniques together with agricultural production.
This project contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals