FareShare South West (UK)

FareShare South West (FSSW) tackles food poverty in the UK South West region, using food that would otherwise go to waste and redistributing it to front-line organisations that need it. In 2020, in response to increased demand for services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, FSSW scaled up its operations and increased its output six-fold – delivering food for over 6.1 million meals. Half of the food they supplied went to families and children in need through schools, children’s centres, holiday projects and pantry schemes.
In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation provided capacity-building funds to FareShare South West.
As of October 2022, FSSW had supported 385 charities, schools and community groups with access to a regular supply of surplus food. This food has reached approximately 46,200 end beneficiaries struggling with food insecurity with regular access to fresh, healthy food. Across the whole region, during the first ten months of 2022, FFSW saved 126 tonnes of surplus food from going to waste, this food equated to approximately 300,000 meals provided through the charity partners that FFSW work with.
The Eurofins Foundation renewed its funding to FFSW in 2022/2023, supporting a new FareShare South West region and Plymouth warehouse, the gateway to food support across Devon and Cornwall.
Between January and September 2023, FareShare South West (FSSW) has delivered over 505 tonnes of food (equivalent of food for 1.2 million meals) into Devon and Cornwall. Supporting 95 separate charities, schools and community groups, this food has reached approximately 10,930 individuals. The top three food groups delivered into Devon and Cornwall were vegetables, dairy and fruit.
Funding from the Eurofins Foundation directly supported FSSW’s new Plymouth warehouse, which has alone delivered over 388 tonnes of food (equivalent of food for 925,000 meals), supporting 58 separate charities and approximately 6,670 individuals.
The Eurofins Foundation supported FSSW’s expansion of infrastructure to support an additional eight frontline organisations in the region.
The project has benefitted the local community (in which FSSW operates) during a cost of living crisis. "Given the rising costs of food, FareShare South West have been an absolute asset to The Pantry. Without them we would not be able to buy the sheer volume of food required especially with the number of users rising each week. It's a real pleasure to be able to help so many, especially with the fresh fruit and veg we receive from FareShare which I believe contributes to good physical & mental health” (C. Sturgess, Tintagel Pantry).
The Eurofins Foundation renews its support to FareShare South West for the period 2023/2025, to extend food redistribution in Cornwall by launching an automated local collection point (a keypad accessible chiller in a remote location) in collaboration with a local Gleaning Network. FareShare South West also aims to increase the number of children in receipt of free school meals accessing FSSW food.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals