Association François-Xavier Bagnoud - FXB International (Mongolia)

Association François-Xavier Bagnoud - FXB International
FXB is an International non-governmental organisation (NGO) that has been fighting against extreme poverty for over 30 years. FXB believes in a world where everyone has a chance not only to survive, but to thrive. With the concrete implementation of children’s rights at the heart of the organisation, their mission is to bring about lasting change in the countries where they operate to eradicate extreme poverty and promote social justice.
In 2022/2023, the Eurofins Foundation supported the Integrated Community Development Projects (ICDP) in Mongolia.
The Dornogovi Province, located in the Gobi Desert, comprises a vast and desolate area. 23.2% of its 67,000 inhabitants live in severe poverty, with an unemployment rate of 68%. Most of the families, both nomadic and sedentary, depend on animal breeding, and the main challenges they face are very low employment opportunities, limited access to services and vocational training, limited access to start microenterprises, and very low financial literacy.
FXB’s objective is to help families create opportunities where they live rather than migrate to cities such as Oulan-Bator, where migrants have very few job opportunities and live in extremely precarious sanitary conditions.
The support from Eurofins has enabled 96 families living in the communities of Sainshand, Ulaanbadrakh, and Zuunbayan to strengthen their resilience and progress towards the economic and social autonomy that our beneficiaries acquire after three years of participation in our program.
In 2023/2024, the Eurofins Foundation renews its support to this project.
This project contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals