Anahat for Change Foundation (India)

Anahat inspires people to fight for the rights of women and girls by challenging deeply rooted cultural norms that perpetuate gender-based discrimination and violence. They invest in women of the communities by empowering them with livelihood and knowledge so that they can earn respect and live their life with dignity and free from violence.
In 2024-2025, the Eurofins Foundation is providing funding for Gendering Agriculture: a kitchen garden project to uplift the community.
Following the closure of a tea garden in Dooars, North Bengal, more than 9,000 tea workers lost their employment, causing financial hardships for their families. The closure also affected the education of young students and increased the vulnerability of women, with the rate of dropouts, human trafficking and domestic violence having increased manifold. Without economic stability, the health and vitality of the local population suffers.
Anahat has launched the Kitchen Garden Project in Dooars, designed as a sustainable model that helps people earn more income and access nutritious food every day. By creating kitchen gardens, they will provide the rural, resource-poor communities with a platform for food production, as well as an opportunity to improve their livelihoods. Family labour, especially the efforts of women, play an important role in the management of these gardens; Women Self Help Groups in the village will be set up and trained to take the responsibility for guiding and monitoring the Kitchen Gardens.
This project contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals