ADIS – Association Departementale pour l’Insertion des Sourds

ADIS – Association Departementale pour l’Insertion des Sourds (France)
ADIS is a French non-profit that helps deaf people communicate more efficiently in their daily lives. They work around four main areas: sign language interpretation, administrative and social assistance, training and education around deafness to better understand what the deaf person’s experience is, and social activities.
In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation provided a grant to the project 'Connected deaf people – Digital inclusion in sign language'.
Digital development has been rapid in recent years but is still complicated for many deaf people. This project aims at teaching deaf people how to use digital tools safely, autonomously and in a stress-free manner to communicate with their relatives, medical team and the emergency services.
Through this project, deaf people can also access official websites and online public services in France to keep communication lines open and maintain essential relationships.
In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation’s grant allowed ADIS to exceed their objectives: they were able to offer training sessions on digital inclusion for deaf people to more persons than initially expected, including younger persons and the elderly.
In 2022/2023, the Eurofins Foundation renewed its support to ADIS, enabling them to reach audiences that are disconnected from the digital due to additional challenges they face, in addition to deafness. These are older people living in institutions and people with disabilities associated with deafness who work in adapted businesses. These are equally difficult audiences for all digital advisors to reach.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal