Supporting Local Communities

Additional projects will be added shortly
- Acted (Tajikistan)
- ADIS – Association Departementale pour l’Insertion des Sourds (France)
- AKHIN Foundation
- Anahat for Change Foundation (India)
- Association François-Xavier Bagnoud - FXB International (Mongolia)
- Awana Digital (East Africa)
- CAMFED (Zimbabwe)
- Electricians Without Borders
- FareShare South West (UK)
- Farm Africa (Uganda)
- Gitaru Marigu Development Group
- Hope and Homes for Children (Bulgaria)
- Humana People to People India
- Humundi (Belgium / Bolivia)
- Iles de Paix Luxembourg (Peru)
- Le Refuge (France)
- Lorna Young Foundation (Nigeria)
- One Acre Fund (Malawi)
- Our Sansar (Nepal)
- Plateforme des Ecoles Familiales Agricoles de Côte d'Ivoire - PEFACI (Ivory Coast)
- Practical Action (Bolivia)
- Round Table India
- Soils, Food and Healthy Communities Organization (Malawi)
- Vita (Ethiopia)
- Amigos do Bem Instituição Nacional Contra a Fome e a Miséria (Brazil)
- ASAD - Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo (Guinea Bissau)
- Associação Vaga Lume (Brazil)
- Casa do Zezinho (Brazil)
- Centrepoint (UK)
- Child 10 (Sweden)
- DBA Keystone Human Services
- End 68 Hours of Hunger
- Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang - Let’s Smile
- FareShare Midlands (UK)
- Friendship Bridge (Guatemala)
- Girls on the Run Michiana (USA)
- İmece İnisiyatifi Derneği (Turkey)
- Inter Aide (Madagascar)
- Kulturbrücke Hamburg e.V (Germany)
- Ndes Foundation (Cameroon)
- Plesios Onlus (Italy)
- Skåne Stadsmission (Sweden)