ACTED (Uganda)

ACTED is a French NGO with a multi-sectoral focus that supported 20 million beneficiaries in 38 countries through 507 sustainable and inclusive emergency development projects in 2020 alone.
ACTED projects aim to fight poverty, exclusion, and climate change guided by the goal of "Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty".
In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation supported an ACTED project in Uganda entitled "Emerge Karamoja – Building business skills and entrepreneurship in rural Nakapiripirit district".
Communities in this District face a persistent lack of economic opportunities and can't build financial safety nets for disasters and shortages.
This ACTED project works to enhance rural communities' resilience by supporting improved, ecological commercial production and processing of agricultural products and developing business and entrepreneurship skills. Combined with access to capital, this approach will allow beneficiaries to start new businesses. The project thus aims to have a positive economic and environmental impact.
As a result of the Eurofins Foundation’s support 100 beneficiaries (50% women) attended a five-day training programme. This training aimed to provide advice to attendees on agricultural livelihoods and entrepreneurship to become financially sustainable.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals