Miljøstiftelsen Elv og Hav (Norway)

The Elv og Hav (River and Sea) Foundation is organised around three main areas: Kystlotteriet (The Coastal Lottery), Marin Omsorg (Marine Care), and River and Sea Collaboration. Their focus is on optimising and professionalising clean-up work in inaccessible areas and changing attitudes in their local community. They also focus on sustainable environmental work.
In 2020/2021, Eurofins Foundation supported the Foundation Elv og Hav through the Coastal Lottery Project, which, among other activities, advocates for the cleaning of marine waste through a collaboration between volunteers, municipalities, administrative authorities and local and regional businesses.
The Eurofins Foundation also supported the Marine Care work, a collaboration with the Prison and Probation Service in Norway. In this project, beach cleaning and restoration of marine areas are part of socially beneficial work carried out as community service work. This project has shown many positive impacts on its beneficiaries, such as improvements to health and wellbeing, social integration, behaviour, and socioeconomic situation.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals