Viva con Agua Sankt Pauli (Germany - Zambia)

Viva con Agua supports communities to achieve sanitary water access for all.
They have 11 past and ongoing projects in East and Southern African and South Asian countries, working with communities, schools, governments, development partners and an extensive network of 5,000 volunteers.
In 2023/2024, the Eurofins Foundation is contributing to the WASH'n'soul Phase II project in Zambia.
WASHnSoul is a unique project which brings water, sanitation, and hygiene improvements to nine peri-urban Zambian schools. Their activities include constructing climate-resilient facilities, promoting behaviour change, and maintaining facilities. The project collaborates with BORDA, an NGO based in Zambia, and Soul Bottles, a German social enterprise.
The United Nations Joint Monitoring Program found that 18% of Zambian schools lack access to basic water, and 50% do not have handwashing facilities. A national survey found that 17% of schools lack toilets. Poor water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in densely populated urban areas result in schools being unhealthy and uninspiring places for learning. Lack of sanitary facilities means girls may have to miss school during menstruation.
The goal is to identify which facilities require rehabilitation or upgrading and address the poor management at the root of the issues. To do so, the project will train school committees or community members on operating and maintaining the facilities and provide advice on financing future repairs.
The project will benefit nine urban schools in Zambia, serving approximately 9,000 students. This initiative is part of a comprehensive three-year programme that has benefited 20 schools and over 25,000 people in Lusaka, Zambia.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals