Solthis (Niger)

An expert in global health, Solthis' mission is to improve the health of populations in countries with poor standards of healthcare by strengthening the capacity of health systems to meet the needs of populations in terms of quality, access to care, and equity. With 18 years of experience, this NGO is now involved in major health projects, such as the fight against HIV and tuberculosis, the reduction of maternal, neonatal and infant mortality, and improving the sexual health and reproductive freedom of young people and women. SOLTHIS is committed to the right to health and access to healthcare for all.
In 2020/2021, the Eurofins Foundation supported Solthis’ work to empower young people in Niger to safeguard their health through the JADES programme.
Together with its partners, Solthis is committed to supporting the sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) of young people, giving them access to accurate public health information and healthcare and paying attention to the vulnerability of young girls (resulting in youth or unwanted pregnancies, violence, non-consensual relationships, etc.)
The project includes monthly coaching, workshops and support to develop communication tools. Its objective is to promote the individual and collective empowerment of young people, enabling them to inform and redirect their peers towards care structures adapted to their specific needs.
“Fixed" vulnerable youths such as housekeepers and garage workers were reached directly through awareness-raising activities carried out by young ambassadors involved in the JADES programme.
“Mobile" vulnerable young people, who often gravitate to particular locations, were reached through mass mobilisation activities that have been carried out by Solthis’ partner Lafia Matassa, including the use of a mobile unit within identified areas.
Thanks to the Eurofins Foundation’s support in 2020/2021, 238 coaching sessions were conducted with youth health ambassadors, 119 awareness-raising sessions involving young people were organised, and eight young ambassadors for New Technologies of Information (NTIC) received coaching sessions and support on sexual and reproductive health, the use of social networks, and the digital practices of young people.
In 2021/2022, the renewed support of the Eurofins Foundation contributed to the following NTIC:
- 996 coaching sessions carried out with young people;
- 498 awareness-raising sessions carried out with young health promoters in small groups;
- 22 coaching sessions carried out with young NICT ambassadors (New Information Technologies), 50% of whom are girls;
- 40 youth health ambassadors and leaders trained;
- 1 behaviour change communication tool developed for young ambassadors,
- 3 health promotion campaigns carried out with young health ambassadors, in March, June and October 2022.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals