Aniké (Belgium / Guinea)

The objective of Aniké – which means ‘thank you’ in one of the local dialects in Guinea – is to provide structural aid that enables the women of Guinea to find a more efficient way of working, with the ultimate aim of improving the very poor conditions in which some mothers and vulnerable children in the country live.
Aniké conducts three main activities: in collaboration with local partners, they provide care for abandoned children, provide medical assistance to women during pregnancy and childbirth, and fight against female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice that unfortunately is still widespread in Guinea.
In 2024-2025, the Eurofins Foundation is contributing to Aniké’s health post for women and children in Djirlain, a village located in the Kankan region or Guinea. Due to its rural setting, Djirlain faces specific challenges in terms of infrastructure, access to health and education services, and other essential needs, which leads to higher infant and maternal mortality and morbidity. The creation of a health post in Djirlain is part of a proactive approach aimed at reducing inequalities in access to health care and strengthening the general wellbeing of the local population, especially children and women, by making it possible to ensure quality preventive and basic curative care, as well as the possibility of safe childbirth.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals