Improving Health

Additional projects will be added shortly
- Acted
- Aniké
- Association pour la Recherche sur la SLA – ARSLA
- Be The Match Foundation (USA)
- Black Hawk Soil and Water Conservation District (USA)
- blueEnergy
- Carers Worldwide
- Coalition PLUS
- DTI Foundation - Donation and Transplantation Institute (Developing Countries)
- dZi Foundation (Nepal)
- ESSOR (Brazil)
- Evidence Action (Kenya / Uganda / Malawi)
- Families United Warrington
- Fistula Foundation
- French Endometriosis Research Foundation (France)
- HAMAP-Humanitaire
- Il Collare d’oro A.N.C.Ass. (Italy)
- Imperial College London (UK)
- Jhpiego (Nigeria / Pakistan / The Philippines, India)
- Kyaro Assistive Tech
- Maya Health Alliance | Wuqu’ Kawoq (Guatemala)
- Örebro University
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Sightsavers (India)
- Skat Foundation (African Countries)
- So They Can (Kenya)
- UNICEF Belgium
- University of Louisville (Malawi)
- Viva con Agua Sankt Pauli
- Water For People (Bolivia)
- World Child Cancer
- Afia Shuleni (Democratic Republic of Congo)
- Allergy UK (UK)
- Autour des Williams (France)
- Chimalaya Charity (Nepal)
- Community Health Coalition Inc. (USA)
- DKMS GmbH (Germany)
- Eau et Vie (Bangladesh / Philippines)
- Equalize Health (South East Asia, South Asia, and Africa)
- Fondation Institut Gustave Roussy (France)
- FOREFRONT Charity (India)
- Jacaranda Health (Kenya)
- Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke (Germany)
- Les Oursins - Enfants des Trottoirs (Philippines)
- Linköping University (Sweden)
- NCL - Stiftung (Wales)
- "Oh Crap I Gut My Future" (Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
- Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation (USA)
- Pro Mujer (Bolivia)
- Project Vietnam Foundation (Vietnam)
- Saint-Luc Foundation (Belgium)
- Santé Sud (Mali)
- Solthis (Niger)
- The Breast International Group (BIG) (Belgium)
- The Lood Lab (Lund University, Sweden)