Humanitarian help to Ukraine & refugees
Aktion Deutschland Hilft

Aktion Deutschland Hilft is a German alliance of over 20 renowned relief aid organisations providing fast and effective help in severe catastrophes.
The Eurofins Foundation is contributing to the collective action of Aktion Deutschland Hilft's members.
They are actively coordinating several actions, such as medical aid transportation and distribution, humanitarian aid for refugees in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
They are specifically providing emergency medical services in mobile and location-based hospitals in Eastern Ukraine, mental health and psychological support, transporting drinking water, food and hygiene products, providing winter shelters for refugees, procuring petrol to evacuate the population. Their members are also working on the protection of women and girls from gender-based violence and exploitation.
Their action currently deploys in Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Lithuania and Germany.
(donation made on March 9, 2022)