A Proposito di Altri Mondi Impresa Sociale ETS

A Proposito di Altri Mondi Impresa Sociale ETS
The Association A Proposito di Altri Mondi (APDAM) Impresa Sociale is a Third Sector Organisation for International Cooperation and Solidarity, founded in Turin, Italy, in 2011.
In Italy, the organisation is fighting against (educational) poverty, while encouraging social inclusion. It is also active in Africa – in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal and the Republic of Guinea – where it helps to combat child malnutrition by empowering women, promoting food security, and providing of high-nutrient food flours that offer preventive and therapeutic value.
In 2023/24, the Eurofins Foundation is supporting the project Debo Bamtare – Women at the heart of food security.
The project aims to improve food security in the territories of Aram and Kenene in Senegal, increase access to agricultural activities and fertile land for inhabitants, and raise the skills and knowledge of the local population about good nutrition practices. It also works to improve the socio-economic conditions of the villages through new economic activities related to the agricultural production of a women's agricultural Economic Interest Groups (EIG).
The project will allow:
- 800+ children aged between 0 and 5 years old to access more nutritious food;
- 250 women to be members of the agricultural EIG;
- 100 participants to take part in training courses on agricultural and avicultural techniques;
- 300 people to participate in community education sessions;
- 75 participants to receive training on management tools.
This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals