Better Nutrition

Additional projects will be added shortly
- A Proposito di Altri Mondi Impresa Sociale ETS
- CAMFED (Zimbabwe)
- Development Consortium (India)
- Food Behind Bars
- Gardens for Health International (Rwanda)
- The Hunger Project (Mexico)
- Cure Kids (New Zealand)
- EAT - CHEW (Sweden)
- ESSOR (Mozambique)
- FAN4Kids (USA)
- For a Child’s Smile (Cambodia)
- Kids In Nutrition (USA)
- Paris-Saclay Food and Bioproduct Engineering Research Unit (SayFood) (France)
- Society for Community Organization and Rural Education - SCORE (India)
- Solidagro (Burkina Faso)
- United Purpose / Self Help Africa (Bangladesh)
- Waunakee Food For Kidz (USA)