Image Analysis
Global expertise, personal touch

Image Analysis
Pigment spots, shiny areas, the evenness of skin analysis by imaging is becoming increasingly important in the cosmetics sector and, more specifically, in illustrating the effectiveness of products, thanks to essential information assimilated in the smallest details of an image.
Since the early 2000s, the Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care network offers support for cosmetic companies in image processing for any type of claim, in order to be meet consumer expectations as far as possible.
In order to perform the image analysis in good conditions and to justify the claims of a product, it is important to have good quality images, with standardised lighting conditions. The interest is therefore to use images taken with powerful tools (Colorface, Visia CR, C-bright...) that allow you to produce photos:
• In cross-polarization, i.e. with suppression of the light on the skin surface;
• In parallel polarization, i.e. with specular light;
• In diffuse light, i.e. with a homogenisation of the light on the skin surface.
Cosmetic companies can provide us with their own standardised photos or we can produce them in our laboratories.
We develop many innovative image analysis software dedicated to substantiating cosmetic claims, helping you to:
• Identify and quantify variations in skin and hair parameters
• Illustrate cosmetic benefits
• Create marketing support
Our image analysis tools can be coupled with instrumental methods to suit your needs.
Some of the claims offered include:
Anti dark circles - Anti dark spot - Anti rosacea - Anti sebum effect - Anti wrinkle - Complexion homogeneity – Complexion radiance - Lifting - Matifying effect – Covering effect - Skin texture- Tanning effect - Whitening effect - Volumising mascara - Eye opening - Moisturizing effect - etc.