Factory Audits – Aimed to provide an unbiased image of your supply chain
Your industry, our focus

Environmental, Social, Technical and Security audits for an unbiased assessment of your vendors
In response to lobbying from responsible investors and consumers, buyers and distributors are steadily being encouraged to put in place their own solutions to evaluate the compliance of their suppliers to local and/or international regulations and standards for both, environmental and social responsibilities. In addition to the unbiased assessment of your suppliers, our auditors can help you defining corrective actions plans, implementing, monitoring and following-up bespoke permanent compliance programs, including in-house training to your suppliers.
Social compliance audits to support your CSR strategies
The objective of a social audit is to proof your suppliers’ organizations and practices to be compliant with local laws and international initiatives and standards as well as the buyers’ internal codes of conduct.
Our auditing teams are, among other, member of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA), and approved to conduct audits for Amfori BSCI, Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA), Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS), Social and Labor Convergence (SLCP) and Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), on top of which we offer the Eurofins Market Standard Audit, an in-house program specifically focused on the consumer product industries.
Environmental audits, framework and consciousness
In this era of globalized sourcing and rising concern in the population for environmental topics, many governments are starting to encourage volunteer actions and declarations from retailers and producers. Consumers are demanding transparent information and see the environmental friendly aspect as an important element of decision-making when choosing a product.
We take a proactive position in providing sustainability assessment, by looking into the environmental performance of your suppliers with, among other: Chemical management audit, Wastewater and effluent treatment plant audit, Higg FEM Verification and our Eurofins Market Standard Environmental audit.
Technical audits
Technical audit is a great tool to understand the capacity and capability of a new supplier before placing a production order. Production conditions and performance are well assessed with the evaluation of more than 50 criteria, providing objective measurements and indicators about the audited factory against the customer’s expectations.
Security audits
Eurofins companies are approved to conduct security audits for Supplier Compliance Audit Network (SCAN), while our Eurofins Market Standard Audit can be customized to additionally meet the full checklist of the Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) global and regional requirements.
For detailed information, contact our experts or check the Factory Audits webpage.