Ecolabels and Quality Labels
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Ecolabels and Quality Labels for low VOC emitting products
Quality labels certify specific product performance, while environmental labels (ecolabels) certify that the product has lower impact on the environment compared to other products. These labels can be organized by private or public institutions or industry associations, but all such labels are voluntary.
VOC emissions from construction products are relevant for indoor air quality and are therefore regulated in some countries in Europe, such as in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy.
Ecolabels and Quality Labels go beyond that and are certifying low emitting products. Some of these labels have a strong relevance for several products in a certain region or country, while other labels are product type specific with an international relevance.
Here is a list of some Ecolabels and Quality Labels for low emitting products. Please click on the Link for viewing details about this label.
Other Ecolabels and Quality Labels are EU Ecolabel, Nordic Swan, Eco Product Norway, Byggvarubedömningen (BVB), Golden M, Austrian ecolabel, Asthma and Allergy Labels, Singapore Green Label, GreenTag Australia, Cradle2Cradle, FloorScore, Indoor Advantage, ANSI/BIFMA, FEMB, CertiPUR and many more.
We are accepted and accredited test laboratory for all above mentioned Ecolabels and Quality Labels. For further information on VOC requirements, you may select any of the categories displayed above or contact our experts.
The EMICODE® label certifies flooring installation products, adhesives and further construction products like for example sealants, joining products, wall panels as well as lacquers, finishes and oils for parquet, for mineral floorings and for resilient floorings. The label is administrated by the German association GEV (Gemeinschaft Emissionskontrollierte Verlegewerkstoffe, roughly translated as Association of low emitting installation products). Manufacturers using the EMICODE® label are members of GEV and have the possibility to participate in the technical advisory council, which is defining the EMICODE® test method and classification criteria. There are requirements on VOC and SVOC emissions. There are further requirements on use of solvents and oximes and on toxicity of the product as well as classification according to CMR and SVHC of used substances. |
The manufacturer of the product is responsible for grouping and selecting the representative worst case product of the group. This representative product should be tested according to the GEV test method by a listed laboratory. As result of a 28-days VOC emission testing in a ventilated chamber, the product can be classified in the classes EC2, EC1 and EC1Plus. The classification is based on following emission limit values:
Decisive for the classification is always the worst case emission value of the listed parameters. For example, if all components of a tested product, except from one, showed class EC1Plus, but one particular parameter has an emission value belonging to class EC1, the product will be classified as EC1.
With the test report, the manufacturer can apply for the EMICODE® certificate directly at the GEV association. Manufacturers have to be member of GEV for using the EMICODE® label. Certificates will be valid for 5 years.
GEV has a range of quality assurances for the EMICODE® label, including cooperation with an expert group of laboratories for improving the GEV test method and organization of round robin tests. Annual spot tests of certified products are organized for checking compliance with the claimed EMICODE® class.
The EMICODE® label has a broad international acceptance, especially for certification systems for sustainable buildings like LEED, BREEAM or DGNB.
The M1 label from Finland certifies low-emission products like building and decorative materials, fixtures (like kitchen cupboards, worktops, doors), furniture like tables, chairs, office chairs, shelves and drawers. The label is issued by The Finish Building Information Foundation RTS (Rakennustietosäätiö RTS sr), which is Finland’s leading information service for the building and construction sector. Its mission is to foster and promote good architect and engineering practices in the building sector. The Foundation is a private institution with representatives from 54 Finnish organisations related to construction sector. |
The M1 label includes requirements on VOC, formaldehyde and ammonia emission according to EN 16516 and odour testing according to ISO 16000-28 (acceptance).
Below table shows the single limit values.
Parameter |
M1 |
The emission of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) [mg/m2h] |
< 0.2 |
Emission of a single volatile organic compound (VOC) [μg/m3] |
≤ EU-LCI |
Formaldehyde emission [mg/m2h] |
< 0.05 |
Ammonium emission [mg/m2h] |
< 0.03 |
The emission of CMR-compounds belonging to category 1A or 1B in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [mg/m3]* |
< 0.001 |
Odour** |
Not odorouss |
*Does not include formaldehyde **Odour acceptance ≤ 0.0 |
First step of the M1 certification is the decision whether a single product or a product group shall be certified. Products that have very similar physical and chemical properties and application, can be considered as a product group. Classifying products as a group must be first agreed on with the technical working group of RTS. RTS takes the suggestions from the manufacturer in consideration when forming the groups. Representative worst case products are selected for testing in an approved testing laboratory before submitting the application.
After receiving the test result from the testing laboratory, manufacturers can apply for M1-classification and will receive the M1 certificate afterwards. The certificate and the right to use the M1-label is valid for three years. If the composition and method of manufacturing the product has not changed, the classification can be continued with a continuation application for another three years without testing. After 6 (3 + 3) years the product must be tested again and a renewal application would be necessary.
Blue Angel
Blue Angel (Blauer Engel) is a German certification for products and services that have environmentally friendly aspects. Provider of the label is the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the label itself is administrated by the institute RAL. The specifications are defined by a jury consisting of representatives of EPAs, consumer organizations, industry, retailers, universities, media and governmental institutes. Blue Angel defines criteria for more than 100 different product types covering a broad range of consumer products, consumables, construction products and decorative products. Among these, some products groups need to be in compliance with criteria on VOC content or emission, like for example paints and varnishes, putties, wooden panels, adhesives and other flooring installation products, sealants, floor coverings, insulation materials, mattresses and upholstered furniture. |
Criteria are based on environmental and health aspects concerning the way of manufacturing, use of the products and content of harmful substances (both to health and to the environment). Some criteria contain specific requirements on VOC and SVOC emissions. Depending on product type, there are different requirements defined.
Blue Angel defines specifications for more than 100 different product types. Each specification has its own unique number and includes requirements, which are specific for the respective product type. Among these requirements are different legal regulations and other restrictions of certain chemical substances or raw materials. In many cases, manufacturer can declare that these chemicals or raw materials are not used. In other cases, tests from independent laboratories are required.
If a VOC emission test is required for a specific product type, usually a test after 3 and 28 days using a test chamber according to EN 16516 with evaluation in the style of the AgBB scheme is included. Loading factors of the test chamber and limit values, for example for the TVOC, are varying for different product types. Blue Angel only accepts tests reports from accepted laboratories for these emission tests.
Manufacturer can apply for the Blue Angel label directly at the RAL institute using tests reports of accepted laboratories and declarations of compliance. Templates for these declarations are available on the homepage of the Blue Angel together with respective specifications and an overview over accepted laboratories for testing.
Certificates and the right to use the label is defined in a certification contract. Validity of the contract expires on a fixed date defined in the respective product specific Blue Angel requirements. Contract can be prolonged afterwards, unless the it is cancelled, which is usually the case, when Blue Angel specifications change.
GUT is a label for low emitting textile floor coverings and is issued by the Association of Environmentally Friendly Carpets e.V. (Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden) - GUT, in Aachen, Germany. Manufacturers using the GUT label have to be members of GUT. The Gut label includes requirements on VOC and SVOC emissions. There are further requirements on odour and content of pollutants like: |
- SVHC (according to the ECHA list of June 18 2010)
- Certain dyes, pigments and dyeing mill adjuvants like:
- Dyeing accelerators
- Azodyes
- Allergenic dyes
- Carcinogenic dyes
- Heavy metals
- Phthalates
- Chlorophenols
- Biocidal active substances
- Formaldehyde
- Wool finishes
- Flame retardants
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- Inorganic fibres
- Anti-soil and anti-stain finishes
- Vulcanisation accelerators
The aim of GUT is to improve all environmental and consumer protection aspects continuously throughout the life cycle of a textile floor covering: from production and installation, through use phase to recycling. The European carpet industry has revolutionized environmental standards for the flooring industry by creating GUT and continuously upgrading GUT's environmental goals. In cooperation with officially recognized testing laboratories, like a Eurofins company, registered products are regularly controlled on the basis of GUT's test criteria. Furthermore, GUT promotes environmentally friendly solutions for the installation of carpets and provides objective information on all aspects of carpets. The intensive product testing on chemicals and emissions is the basis for ensuring consumer safety.
Danish Indoor Climate Label (DICL)
Danish Indoor Climate Labelling (DICL) is a labelling scheme that documents the emission of chemical compounds from building materials, furniture and fixtures to the indoor air. DICL was founded by the Danish housing minister and is continuously being operated by Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The Danish Indoor Climate Label includes requirements on Emission testing for VOC, SVOC, carcinogenic compounds and LCI compounds according to EN 16516 and odour testing according to ISO 16000-28 (acceptance). Below table shows three classes for TVOC and formaldehyde criteria. |
Class 1 |
Formaldehyde ≤ 10 μg TVOC28 ≤ 500 μg |
Class 2 |
Formaldehyde ≤ 60 μg TVOC28 ≤ 1000 μg |
Class 3 |
Formaldehyde ≤ 100 μg TVOC28 ≤ 1000 μg |
The odour test is not necessarily performed after 28 days, but every ten days during the testing period until a level with an acceptance of > 0.1 is reached. The result [in days] is the so called Indoor Relevant Time Value. Maximum Indoor Relevant Time Value is depending on product type and can be up to 60 or 100 days. Release of particles is limited as well for certain product types.
First step of the certification would be the decision whether a single product or a product group shall be certified. Products that have very similar physical and chemical properties and application, can be considered as a product group. Representative worst case products will be selected for testing in an approved testing laboratory before admitting the application.
After receiving the test result from the testing laboratory manufacturers can apply for DICL-classification and will receive the labelling license afterwards. The labelling license needs to be renewed each year and the emission test needs to be renewed after 5 years.