Sensory Properties Evaluation of Packaging and Food Contact Materials
Your industry, our focus

The Framework Regulation on food contact materials (EC) No. 1935/2004 requires that any type of food contact material must not change the organoleptic properties of food. Commonly this is interpreted as the taste, smell and optical appearance of food.
Sensorial aberrations are often induced by packaging materials or the components of them, e.g. residual solvents from printing inks or unwanted chemicals from recycled cardboard.
Unfortunately, there is no harmonised method in Europe to assess such a deviation. Germany has prepared DIN standard 10955 which is based on an exposure comparable to migration testing followed by an evaluation by a trained panel of sensory experts.
For paper and board food packaging, EN 1230 part 1 and 2 establish a harmonised test set-up using chocolate as a food simulant.