Biodegradability & Compostability Testing
Your industry, our focus

Apart from the quality and safety of packaging materials, aspects regarding their disposal are now among the key issues when it comes to the manufacturer's product responsibility. Biodegradable packaging materials meet the needs of growing consumer awareness for sustainable use and are adapted to the processes of the circular economy. For this, it is essential that biodegradable materials are labelled clearly. Therefore, tests for biodegradability and compostability form a prerequisite.
Our Offer
We analyse your compostable additives, intermediates, materials and products in our accredited laboratories to confirm the demands according to EN 13432 as well as DIN CERTCO Certification scheme “products made of compostable materials”.
We provide support in registration and certification of your packaging product with DIN CERTCO to enable you to receive certification and the DIN CERTCO test mark and/or European Bioplastic Association’ Seedling logo. Our tests include the assessment of the base materials and the analysis of its various additives.
We execute the corresponding tests from:
- Chemical Characterization and IR spectrography.
- Biodegradability testing according to methods DIN EN ISO 14851/14852 and OECD 301/302 series.
- Disintegration testing according to ISO 16929 and ISO 14045.
- Ecotoxicity according OECD 208 with 2 plant species.