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Indoor Air Comfort® Certification

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The best choice for European, US, and/or global compliancy for low-emitting construction products!

General description of our certification

The Indoor Air Comfort® umbrella of certification combines the most relevant emission specifications and requirements in one certification to help ensure your product’s quality. Our trusted and accredited 3rd party verification shows your company’s dedication to having low emitting products that contribute to healthier indoor environments.

For many years, Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort® (Indoor Air Comfort®, Indoor Air Comfort® Gold, and now including Indoor Air Comfort® USA) certification has been the obvious choice of hundreds of companies for proving that construction products adhere to the most stringent limit values. Through regular surveillance and full scale testing, Indoor Air Comfort® is a trusted (and ISO 17065 accredited) certification and label for legal compliancy, voluntary labels, and green building certification schemes.

Eurofin's Indoor Air Comfort Gold and Indoor Air Comfort USA certifications are accredited according to ISO 17065, which means that DANAK, as an independent body, now controls the quality of our certification processes and audits us annually. This accreditation is a clear sign of our high quality of the certification processes and the way we work.

What is the difference between the labels?

Indoor Air Comfort® and Indoor Air Comfort® Gold use the European method for VOC emission testing to make sure that your product fulfills low product emissions requirements. It is also a sign of your brand’s focus on quality and contribution to a healthy indoor environment.

Now we have created Indoor Air Comfort® USA certification, which uses the same principles for regular factory audits and surveillance, but products are tested using the US methods for VOC emission testing (and VOC content testing for wet applied products). Certified products need to meet some of the most stringent requirements to achieve maximum compliancy for commercial projects and to show consumers that an Indoor Air Comfort® USA certified product contributes to better and healthier indoor air quality.

Combining the labels for global compliancy:

Yes, for true global compliancy in Europe, USA, and in many other countries around the world, the combination of Indoor Air Comfort® Gold and Indoor Air Comfort® USA is the obvious choice. With one factory audit, and one combined test, you can have both Indoor Air Comfort® (Gold) and Indoor Air Comfort® USA certification.

This makes the combined offering of Indoor Air Comfort® Gold the only label that combines regular full scale testing according to the European and US methods, along with regular factory surveillance.


Test method for VOC emissions EN 16516 EN 16516 CDPH Standard Method v1.2 (2017). EN 16516 and CDPH combined in one test
Sampling on # of days 3 and 28 3 and 28 11,12, and 14 3,11,12,14, and 28
Test method for VOC content testing (wet applied contents only) ISO 11890-2 ISO 11890-2 SCAQMD rules 1113/1168 ISO 11890-2 and SCAQMD rules 1113/1168
Shows compliancy with: European legal requirements in France (class A), Germany, Italy, Belgium and EU Taxonomy

Click here to download the specifications for more detailed information

On top of the  European legal requirements, many voluntary labels and green building certification programs such as BREEAM, LEED (for projects outside North America), and many others in Europe and beyond

Click here to download the specifications for more detailed information

CDPH, LEED (worldwide v 4, 4.1 and upcoming 4.1), WELL, BREEAM, EPA Indoor AirPlus, and many others both in the US and beyond

Click here to download the specifications for more detailed information

The best choice for global compliancy!
Limit values: Meets the basic requirements for legal compliancy in Europe

Click here to download the specifications for more detailed information

Meets the lowest limit values in its class compared to other European labels

Click here to download the specifications for more detailed information

The lowest limit values in its class compared to other US based labels for low-emitting products

Click here to download the specifications for more detailed information



What makes the Indoor Air Comfort® Certification program so attractive?

  • Shows that your product is better
  • Shows your commitment to product quality
  • Shows your contribution to a healthy indoor environment
  • One test setup combines all schemes
  • One report for all documentation
  • One certificate shows all you need
  • The Certificates are available in 11 languages
  • Fast and efficient process for private labelling
  • We are updating requirements as soon as new ones are published
    You do not need to take care of this; we do that for you!

Read more about the different certification programs:


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