LabAccess - What’s New

Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing network of laboratories recently released several updates with enhancements to improve the overall website experience, including:
- A new look and navigation – a new site design, including vertical menu for intuitive navigation on the left panel, as well as a new logo to align with Eurofins’ global brand
- Quotations - eLIMS-BPT quotations are now available to view or download. Please note any quotes that begin with “NQ-“ are not available as these are part of our legacy LIMS.
- Purchase Orders - All purchase orders managed in the eLIMS-BPT system are now available to view or download. Users also have the ability to track the fund availability on a real-time basis.
- Investigations (Exceptions)
- eLIMS-BPT closed Exceptions (i.e. Exceptions that begin with “EXC”) are now available to view or download and can be sorted by certain information such as initiating event.
- Note: any Exceptions beginning with “EX” will only be available on LabAccess through the data packages.
- Documents - Effective client specific documents are now consistently available on the Documents page
- Release Date - The Estimated Release Date now consistently displays on the Sample Group Detail Page for all Sample Groups.
- Stability Details - The sample stability time point and storage condition now consistently displays on the Sample Detail Page for all stability studies stored at Eurofins.
Please note that quotations, purchase orders and investigations will require special permissions. If you would like to have access to these documents, please contact your client service representative for access.