TruGraf Liver, the first and only gene expression diagnostic that helps optimise immunosuppression treatment for liver transplant patients

Michael Borgenicht, Product Marketing Manager, Eurofins Transplant Genomics,
For patients awaiting an organ transplant, once they have the surgical procedure required to obtain a new organ, their transplant journey is just beginning. Immunosuppressant drugs are prescribed to these patients to prevent their body’s immune system from rejecting the new organ and preserve its function.
However, immunosuppressant drugs come with significant complications. While the drugs prevent the immune system from attacking the new organ, they also block the immune system from being able to fight threats like viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Clinicians walk a delicate line balancing the benefits of immunosuppression against the negative side effects they come with. Until now, optimising immunosuppressant therapy for liver transplant recipients has largely been a “trial and error” process. Clinicians rely primarily on their experience, in addition to laboratory and clinical indicators of rejection and graft injury, resulting from the effects of immune activation.
TruGraf® Liver, from Eurofins Transplant Genomics, is a blood-based mRNA gene expression test that provides guidance for the optimisation of immunosuppression therapy in liver transplant recipients. TruGraf Liver represents the first diagnostic tool that leverages gene expression data – powered by Eurofins Transplant Genomics’ proprietary technology and machine learning – to give the earliest and most accurate view of immune quiescence.
Gene expression is a basic, biological process that is utilised by all known life to generate required macromolecular instruments. It is a small part of the flow of genetic information within the body. By examining the mRNA generated through gene expression, insight can be gained into the status of a patient’s immune system.
TruGraf Liver is the first and only blood-based test that offers biomarker guidance to aid physicians in optimising immunosuppression in transplant recipients, to allow for a superior balance between graft rejection and adverse events. TruGraf Liver can help clinicians confirm immune quiescence during immunosuppression optimisation in patients with stable graft function, minimising the risk of overt graft injury due to rejection. For more information, visit: