Eurofins Central Laboratory solves PBMC processing challenges in global clinical trials

by Sandra Hageman, Director of Marketing, Eurofins BioPharma Services Laboratory,
A peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) is any blood cell which has a round nucleus. This can include lymphocytes, monocytes, or macrophages. Many scientists conducting research in the fields of Immunology (including Autoimmune Disorders), Infectious Disease, Hematological Malignancies, Vaccine Development, Transplant Immunology, and High-Throughput Screening are familiar with PBMCs.
PBMCs are used in cell-based analytical assays, which may lead to many operational challenges with regard to specimen transport methods, isolation, speed, quality of isolation, freezing, and harmonisation to keep as many cells alive as possible for downstream analytical testing. Specialised downstream testing services include cellbased assays, flow cytometry, EliSpot, RNA/DNA isolation and sequencing analysis, protein extraction and quantification, and virology specimen stabilisation.
Eurofins Central Laboratory’s global service offering delivers effective harvesting, processing, and analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). This allows clients to evaluate immune functional responses to therapeutic agents and gain a deeper understanding of immune system function pre-dose, post-dose, and at other crucial stages of testing. The Eurofins BioPharma Services PBMC Network provides <10 hours TAT from point of collection to freezer, from most global site locations.
Eurofins Central Laboratory has established itself as the industry leader in global PBMC processing and has already expanded its global footprint to 30 qualified and harmonised laboratory locations worldwide, with new locations being added steadily based on new study requirements.
Eurofins’ standard PBMC processing protocols include Ficoll Pacque Method, CPT Mononuclear Cell Preparation Tube and Accuspin PBMC Isolation Tube, and the teams have supported 25+ different sponsor defined processing protocols that include variations in window of processing, collection techniques, washing steps, and specialised stabilisation media.
Eurofins Central Laboratory can incorporate sponsor defined PBMC processing protocols via laboratory and technician qualification, including cellular viability. Training, harmonisation, and quality control are crucial to maintaining the integrity of PBMC processing to support global clinical trials. It is crucial to maintain the highest levels of quality at all stages of PBMC clinical laboratory testing, from specimen collection all the way through to processing, shipping, handling, storage, and analysis of the specimen.
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