Eurofins Biomnis is helping psychiatrists to optimise the choice of antidepressants in the treatment of depression

Niamh Buckeridge, Marketing-Communications Manager, Eurofins Biomnis,
The challenge of depression
Depression is a common and severe illness that affects more than 264 million people worldwide (according to WHO). It can sometimes take months before the optimal treatment is found for a patient, and this long period is often marked by side effects. The subject is all the more problematic because in 15-30% of cases of major depression, patients suffer from treatment resistant depression, and to date, there are few tools available to help these patients in therapeutic failure.
The principle of the Eurofins Biomnis ABCB1 genotyping test
A great deal of research is therefore being done to try to identify the reasons for these unequal responses to treatment, among which, the ABCB1 gene coding for a transmembrane protein, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), located in the blood-brain barrier. Research has shown that two major variations in the ABCB1 gene influence the function of P-gp and thus can predict the therapeutic effect of an antidepressant, which is a P-gp substrate. This protein, which recognises nearly 70% of antidepressants, can, depending on the variant, limit or facilitate the passage of these antidepressants into the brain. This pharmacogenetic test offered by Eurofins Biomnis therefore makes it possible to identify whether the patient is variant 1 or 2, and to help the clinician predict how their patient will respond to P-gp substrate anti-depressants.
Benefits of ABCB1 genotyping for physicians and their patients
Genotyping of the ABCB1 gene has been recommended by the Swiss Society of Anxiety Disorders and Depression (SGAD/SSAD) since 2016. The test was developed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich and is offered exclusively by Eurofins Biomnis since 2018. By identifying the variant of a depressed patient, Eurofins Biomnis enables treating physicians to know the response profile of their patient, and therefore adjust their treatment accordingly. It also allows:
- Personalised, optimised treatment enabling the prescription of the right substance at the right dosage
- An alternative approach for patients not responding to treatment
- Increased chances of finding an effective treatment quickly
- Higher remission rates
- Limiting the number of molecules to be tested
- Fewer side effects
At Eurofins Biomnis, scientists work proactively with psychiatry clinics and practices all over the country to support their pursuit of finding an effective treatment for their patients as quickly as possible. The remission rate of patients who have performed this test is 21% higher than that those who have not. And as such, the Eurofins Biomnis ABCB1 genotyping test can be considered an essential tool for depressed patients on antidepressants who are in therapeutic failure and for psychiatrists dealing with this type of patient.
For further information on this test, including treatment with P-gp and non P-gp substrates, please download this brochure: Eurofins Biomnis ABCB1 Genetic Testing to Optimise the Treatment of Depression: ABCB1 Test Information