Immunoanalytical Studies

Immunoanalytical Studies
The immune system plays a central role for the prevention as well as for the development of a disease. Immune disorders include immune deficiency diseases as well as diseases, which are caused when the body develops an inappropriate response to a substance.
Therefore immunological analytical methods become increasingly important during drug discovery and development. Immunoassays are used for example in the study of biological systems by tracking different proteins, hormones, and antibodies.
The Immunoanalytics department at Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich contributes to biomarker analyses, pharmacokinetic studies, and the assessment of immunotoxicity and immunogenicity. Our service portfolio includes different immunoassays such as Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA), ligand binding tests, professional isolation and cryopreservation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and custom made cell-based assays. Additionally, we possess expert knowledge in flow cytometric (FACS) analyses such as the identification and characterization of immune cell populations in different species.
Our equipment for immunoanalytical studies comprises in vitro cell culture equipment, two flow cytometers (FACSCanto II, HTS module equipped, eight colors), a monochromator-based micro-plate reader (absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence), a 12-detector TopCount scintillation counter and the latest multiplexing instrument from MSD (MESO QuickPlex SQ 120), allowing the detection of up to ten analytes per sample through electrochemiluminescence.
Our Immunoanalytics department is in a constant scientific exchange with our Bioassays and Bioanalytics group, basis for an ongoing and positive development of new methods and concepts.