Biomarker discovery and development

Eurofins Medigenomix is one part of the huge biomarker expert network in Eurofins. Our focus is on genetics/genomics business. At Eurofins Medigenomix we use state-of-the-art technologies in the field of genetics and genomics and we are equipped withthe latest technical devices for high-throughput analysis. This allows short turnaround times. Among other things, we use the following technological platforms:
- ROCHE Genome Sequencers FLX
- ABI 3730 XL 96 Capillary Sequencers
- Sequenom MALDI-TOF
- ABI 3100/3130xl 16 Capillary Sequencers
- Real Time PCR Devices (ABI and Roche)
- Beckman pipetting robots
- Hamilton robotic systems
- Chemagen robot, Chemagic
- Qiagen QIAcube
Biomarker Discovery
Eurofins Medigenomix offers comprehensive genetic and genomic biomarker analysis based on different sample material. Both single samples as well as batches of several thousand samples can be processed. Using state-of-the-art technologies like sequencing, mass spectrometry ( MALDI) and Real Time PCR defined alleles and their underlying genetic polymorphisms of target genes can be analyzed (genotyping). Besides, Eurofins Medigenomix offers gene expression analysis using quantitative Real Time PCR for target genes as well as on genome level expression profiling using "Next Generation Sequencing" platforms. Expression analysis aims at the quantitative measurement of mRNA expression of defined target genes, for example prior to and under drug therapy or after administration of compound candidates in the pre-clinical phase of drug development. In contrast, expression profiling targets at identifying molecular signatures on genome level, which can be correlated to biological events in order to validate novel drug targets and predict drug response.
Biomarker Development and Validation
In biomarker business of Eurofins in addition to protein biomarker assays, likewise genetic and genomic biomarker assays will be developed and validated. At Eurofins Medigenomix we develop and validate such assays according to customer's needs. Based on state-of-the-art technologies such as mass spectrometry (MALDI), sequencing and Real Time PCR we develop specific biomarker assays, like genotyping assays as well as gene expression assays. Upon development the respective assay will be formally validated. After successful completion the entire process (assay development and validation) is documented for the customer in a report. The newly developed biomarker assay can then be used either at Eurofins Medigenomix for the biomarker analysis of customer-specific sample groups or can be transferred on customer's request in his laboratory for his own biomarker analysis.
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