Our Services

Early Drug Discovery and Development
Early and preclinical drug development is a complex, regulatory and strategy-driven process. The most important element of the preclinical process is to select the best new molecular entities to enter into the clinical trials and to limit failure in full development. With its countless years of professional experience in drug development Eurofins is well positioned to offer a holistic approach of the compound development in order to maximize the chances of success in the clinical phases.
Complete preclinical service
The priority during the preclinical selection process is to achieve the safety and efficacy of a new molecular entity. The preclinical activity includes mainly safety and pharmacological testing accompanied by immunoanalytical studies, bioanalysis, biomarker development and pharmaceutical analysis. Eurofins offers the whole panel of GLP-assured safety studies and a broad range of pharmacological models including complementary activities such as ADME analysis. As preclinical activity is conducted throughout all phases of drug development, it needs to be well integrated in the regulatory-driven drug development strategy. Our clients benefit from our expertise in consultancy together with our flexibility and scientific excellence to test their compounds. This integrated approach is completely costumer tailored and differentiates Eurofins from many other CROs. We are making the difference and speed up the overall drug development process to achieve regulatory submission.
One stop shop or pick and mix approach
A comprehensive approach covers the stages from the assessment of the existing preclinical package to the creation and execution of a developmental plan to close the gaps of the project. We have the expertise, infrastructure and capacities within Eurofins to give you this inclusive support to reach your goals. Eurofins' pharma services provides both, the "one stop shop" and a pick and mix approach for screening or to complete a dossier with single studies.If you have not the appropriate expertise in house or if you are short in capacity, we can help you as your partner with an outstanding expertise in drug development.
The best service for your compounds
Eurofins ensures that your compound moves beyond preclinical regulatory requirements. Thus your project gets in the best position for proof-of-concept and large scale clinical trials. As we place the needs of our customers in first place, our approach is based on listening, consultancy and responsiveness. Altogether, we do not only deliver timely, accurate data but also a solution to your problem.
Clinical Expertise in Phase I and IIa