Early Development

Early Drug Discovery and Development
Early and preclinical drug development is a complex, regulatory and strategy-driven process. The most important element of the preclinical process is to select the best new molecular entities to enter into the clinical trials and to limit failure in full development. Thus, the priority during the preclinical selection process lies in the safety and efficacy testing of a new molecular entity. With its countless years of professional experience in drug development Eurofins companies are well positioned to offer a holistic approach of the compound development in order to maximize the chances of success in the clinical phases.
Our network of expertise and full service is not only a matter of convenience but also an issue of confidence and security to succeed with your project. Our clients select the Eurofins network of companies for this distinctive match of expertise, flexibility and full service. This beneficial setting explains why we work for 8 out of the 10 biggest Pharma companies.
Our teams of Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich GmbH in Germany as well as Eurofins ADME Bioanalyses SAS and Eurofins Optimed SAS in France will be happy to support you with your individual projects.
Because lead selection is the first step for your development…
Eurofins ADME BIOANALYSES SAS developed a screening test, to help you with the selection of a lead or to add value to your compounds towards your investors. This test will give you an earlier and more significant indicator of bioavailability than in vitro studies. Indeed, 40% of the molecules are stopped in the development phase due to an insufficient level of bioavailability.
Our objective is to give you pharmacokinetic indications within one month and at a low cost. Based on the same protocol, we can also investigate the blood brain barrier permeability.
Complete preclinical service
Preclinical activities encompass toxicology, pharmacology, metabolism, pharmaceutical analysis and biosafety testing. Our preclinical expertise in these areas is recognized in the pharmaceutical industry. Our pharma services offer the advantage to host industry leading expertise in preclinical and clinical development within the same organization. This structure allows us to design the overall strategy for the benefit of your compound. The coordination of the preclinical activity of your projects is targeted for a successful clinical development. We ensure timely, accurate and accessible data. We do not only deliver you the results but put these in the context due to our consultancy support. This integrated approach is making us different and it is the basis of the success of your projects and our business.
With our network of companies you are in the position to speed up critical decisions that affect the progress of your compound.
Early development Phase I and IIa studies
We have, with Eurofins Optimed SAS, almost 100 beds in our clinical Phase I and IIa units based in Grenoble and Lyon (F). Patient safety, an efficient recruitment policy and the network of expertise within the Eurofins companies are responsible for our outstanding reputation in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutrition industry. The complete integration of our preclinical capabilities and clinical units into a full service of drug development is a real benefit for our clients. Eurofins Optimed SAS provides an inclusive service during Phase I and IIa studies including e.g. bioanalysis, data management and preparation of the files.
For the next steps of the clinical development, Eurofins' pharma services provide an outstanding support in the complex process for logistics, biomarker development, central lab and data management.
For further information please contact us: pharma@eurofins.com