
Date | 2024 Events | Location | Booth # | Entity |
EUCROF (European CRO Federation) | 19-20/02 | Prague, Czech republic | Eurofins CDMO | |
CAR-TCR Summit (C&G) | 27-29/02 | London, UK | Eurofins CDMO | |
AFCRO | 14/03 | Paris, France |
Eurofins CDMO |
Bio Europe (SPRING) | 18-20/03 | Barcelona, Spain | #104 | Eurofins CDMO |
Advanced Therapies by Terrapinn (C&G) | 19-20/03 | London, UK | Eurofins CDMO | |
France Bioproduction | 03-04/04 | Paris, France | Eurofins CDMO | |
Meeting on the med (C&G) | 9-11/04 | Roma, Italy | Eurofins CDMO | |
Swiss Biotech Days | 22-23/04 | Basel, Switzerland | #76 | Eurofins CDMO |
Making & Distributing Pharmaceuticals UK | 23-24/04 | Coventry, UK | Eurofins CDMO | |
Formulation & Delivery congress (10th Annual) | 25-26/04 | London, UK | Eurofins CDMO | |
ASCGT (C&G) | 6-10/05 | Baltimore, USA | Eurofins CDMO | |
European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan products (ECRD) | 15-16/05 | Brussels, Belgium and online | Eurofins CDMO | |
Knowledge For Growth | 15-16/05 | Antwerp, Belgium | #59 | Eurofins CDMO |
Global Drug Delivery Formulation Summit | 21-23/05 | Berlin, Germany |
Eurofins CDMO |
New updates on drug formulation and bioavailability | 28/08 | Copenhagen, Sweden | Eurofins CDMO | |
Nordic Life Science Days | 17-19/09 | Malmo, Sweden | Eurofins CDMO | |
9th Bioproduction congress (by MabDesign) | 25-26/09 | Tours, France | Eurofins CDMO | |
A3P | 08-10/10 | Biarritz, France | Eurofins CDMO | |
CPHI | 08-10/10 | Milan, Italy | Eurofins CDMO | |
Festival of biologics | 15-17/10 | Basel, Switzerland | Eurofins CDMO | |
World vaccine congress Europe | 29-31/10 | Barcelona, Spain | Eurofins CDMO | |
Bio Europe Fall | 04-06/11 | Stockholm, Sweden | Eurofins CDMO | |
16th PEGS Protein and Antibody Engineering Summit | 05-07/11 | Barcelona, Spain | Eurofins CDMO | |
Biofit | 03-04/12 | Lille, France | Eurofins CDMO | |
20th Dutch Life Sciences Conference | 12/12 | Leiden, Netherlands | Eurofins CDMO |