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BioPharma Services >> Bioanalysis >> Bioanalytical PK and TK Analysis

The Importance of Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Toxicokinetic (TK) Services

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From the moment your biologic is administered, a lot can happen. How a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted can have a dramatic impact on the safety and efficacy of your biologic.

PK/TK analysis of biologics can be challenging and requires unique solutions from those traditionally employed in the analysis of small molecules. Getting a firm grasp of the PK and TK properties of your drug is essential for pre-clinical and clinical development and selecting a dose.

Our industry-leading experts have experience in the development and validation of PK/TK assays and offer a wide range of TK and PK services for large molecules and peptides.


Our Pharmacokinetic and Toxicokinetic Services For The Analysis of Biologics

With our PK/TK analysis service, you get more than just a service organization: you get access to the top minds in science. Our years of experience, deep resources, and flexible service options can help deliver the fast, reliable support you need for any phase of your project.

We help you choose the best industry-standard instrumentation and software that is the best fit for your project, whether it be assay transfer, development, validation, sample analysis, or a combination. To provide the pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic services that are right for you, our PK/TK analysis will:


From small GLP-compliant pre-clinical projects to large scale GCP-compliant clinical trial sample analysis, our services follow FDA guidelines and rapidly evolving industry standards.

Learn More About The Instruments We Use

Our Philosophy

No biologic is created equal. Therefore, there is no “one size fits all” way to overcome the complex analytical challenges of PK/TK analysis. Our experience, flexibility, and capacity enable us to manage and address your specialized project needs.

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