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Our Commitments >> Eco-Responsibility Charter >> Environment

Our commitments and actions in favour of the environment

Natural resources are not endless and the elements of biodiversity essential to life are deteriorating. It is therefore essential to protect these major ecological balances to preserve our societies and life on earth.


1. Reduce energy consumption to preserve natural resources

1.1 Optimising the use of equipment

Eurofins ADME BIOANALYSES has premises built to BBC standards, with intelligent installations and equipment: LED lighting, presence detectors, reversible and individual air conditioning.

LED or low-energy bulbs are gradually replacing conventional lighting.

Workstations are installed in such a way as to make the most of natural light.


1.2 Changing behaviour and adopting good practices

Employees are encouraged to change their behaviour with anti-waste eco-gestures in their daily activities, simple practices that can also be adopted outside the company:

  • turning off lights in unoccupied rooms for long periods,
  • turning off taps after use and not turning them on at full flow,
  • set thermostats reasonably according to the activity area,
  • close blinds or shutters at night to reduce heat loss in winter or limit the use of air conditioning,
  • cooling in the morning by creating air circulation in hot weather, etc.

As technologies and information systems are very energy consuming, employees are invited to change their practices:

  • turning off equipment and devices when not in use or when leaving the company,
  • programming screens and equipment to go into standby mode or set them to "energy saving" mode
  • removing energy-intensive animated screen savers,
  • adopting good printing practices: limit printing and photocopying, systematically preview before printing, print on both sides and/or in black and white,
  • limiting the sending of emails, group replies, with attachments or logos,
  • disabling GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functions on phones and tablets if not used,


2. Limiting CO2 emissions to fight against climate change

2.1 Limiting and eliminating travel and the travel of others

The use of new communication technologies (Skype, video/web conferencing, conference calls, etc.) and information sharing platforms is encouraged.

Teleworking has been introduced within the company by means of a company agreement signed with the staff representative bodies.


2.2 Encouraging eco-mobility or soft mobility for employees

Internal carpooling and the use of public transport are encouraged within the company.

Public transport passes are reimbursed in accordance with the legal framework in force.

The flexible working hours applied within the company make it possible to adapt journeys to public transport timetables or to encourage car-pooling.

The company's car park has been fitted out to accommodate two-wheelers.


3. Managing and recovering waste

3.1 Sorting and recycling waste

Waste is sorted and collected through the appropriate channels with a view to its disposal or recovery:

  • specific containers or bins collect paper, cardboard, glass, used batteries and printer toner cartridges,
  • printer toner cartridges are collected by a local specialist company which returns them after recycling,
  • a waste paper basket for recycling is available in each workspace or office.

Bulky waste (scrap metal, glass, plastic, wood) is sent to a reprocessing centre.


3.2 Buying responsibly

Reusable, biodegradable or recyclable goods and supplies are preferred:

  • Washable and reusable tableware replaces disposable tableware in meeting rooms,
  • Washable or biodegradable cups and coffee stirrers in break rooms.

Glass bottles have been distributed to staff to eliminate plastic cups and bottles.

Meal trays for visitors are prepared by a local company, which only cooks seasonal products and delivers in reusable (glass jars), biodegradable and/or recyclable containers.


3.3 Promote electronic documents

Electronic documents makes it possible to limit printing and the use of paper:

  • electronic exchanges,
  • electronic signatures,
  • electronic archiving,
  • electronic sending of pay slips, etc.