Video Inspection Services

As expectations and requirements evolve constantly, sometimes inspection reports in a PDF format with text and photo description no longer satisfy buyers, as they look for a better way to communicate with their internal teams and with the suppliers.
We have therefore developed the simple but powerful Video Inspection Services to aide communication and understanding by providing both static information and additional details in short videos.
Eurofins is now accredited by ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for consumer products inspection services by ANAB!
In a short video of 3 to 5 minutes, you can have a clear view on several aspects that are critical in the inspection process:
- How is visual inspection done?
- How are samples measured?
- How are on-site tests conducted?
- What are the defects found?
- What is the warehouse condition?
For just a small fee, you will enjoy great benefits that enhance your quality control efficiency:
- A visual representation that offers clear and convenient communication with buyers or other teams on inspection processes
- The videos can be used as training materials to familiarise internal teams with inspection processes
- Much better understanding of defects relating to functionality or performance that can be difficult to convey via photo, such as a malfunctioning buzzing toy or misfitting striped screw of a coffee table
- With clearer communications and more details available, quicker and more precise decisions on the shipment approval can be made
- Occasionally, disputes arise over measurement practice, inspection processes, defect judgement or other issues around the inspection reports. The short videos give more details from a 3D-perspective, facilitating discussion and agreement
Our inspections cover all types of consumer products and the Video Inspection Services can be applied to different kinds of products. Interested in giving your teams a lift in the QC process?
Video Inspection Service for consumer products inspection

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