Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) Audit

Establishing safe and equitable conditions for workers and sustainable, environmentally-conscious business practices are key factors in any ethical supply chain and the pharmaceutical industry is no different.
What is a PSCI Audit?
One way that suppliers to the pharmaceutical industry can work towards this is with a PSCI audit. The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) was formed as a direct means of supporting pharmaceutical suppliers in conforming to ethical and social expectations in the industry by establishing formal guidelines on ethics, labour, health & safety, the environment, and management systems.
PSCI audits are designed to assess a supplier’s performance against international standards and agreements and local regulatory requirements in the areas of:
- Ethics (Type A, B and C)
- Human Rights and Labour (Type A, B and C)
- Health & Safety (Type A, B and C)
- Environmental Protection (Type A, B and C)
- Management Systems (Type A, B and C)
Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance India is approved to carry out audits in India against the PSCI Principles for all five areas.
The PSCI Principles
The PSCI Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management may be voluntarily supported by any business in the pharmaceutical industry. Each element above has specific criteria that is assessed, as follows:
- Anti-bribery and corruption
- Fair competitions
- Animal welfare
- Data privacy and security
- Patient safety and access to information
- Conflicts of interest
Human Rights and Labour
- Freely chosen employment
- Child labour and young workers
- Non-discrimination
- Fair treatment
- Wages, benefits and working hours
- Freedom of association
Health & Safety
- Safety of processes and procedures
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Proper control of hazardous substances
- Communication of hazard information
- Biosafety
- Worker protection
Environmental Protection
- Environmental authorisations and reporting
- Sustainable sourcing and traceability
- Management of waste and emissions
- Spills and releases prevention
- Efficient resource management
- Managing the release of pharmaceuticals into the environment
Management Systems
- Commitment and accountability
- Legal and customer requirements
- Risk Management
- Documentation
- Training and competency
- Continual improvement
- Identification of concerns
All members are expected to support and incorporate the Principles into their key supplier documents and agreements.
Why choose the Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance network?
As an approved and trusted audit service provider of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative, we are best placed to carry out PSCI audits in India across all business areas.
Our PSCI auditing services give you access to experienced expert auditors in India who are ready to help you build trust among stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry supply chain. As a Full Member Firm of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA), we have demonstratable expertise in quality social compliance audits.
We uphold stringent quality, process and ethics management systems. Our independent Quality and Ethics Team ensures every aspect of quality in the production process is well monitored so our customers can expect the highest levels of consistency and integrity in everything we do.

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