Regional and national food quality and safety claims in Germany

Having merged with ARS PROBATA, a reputable and well-recognised food safety and quality services provide in Berlin, Eurofins Food Assurance is now capable to deliver a wide range of national and regional food certification programmes.

Established in Switzerland in 1996, V-Label is a trusted global seal that labels vegan and vegetarian products and services. It serves as a reliable and comprehensive shopping guide for consumers.
Eurofins ARS PROBATA is a proVeg approved certification body to run auditing of vegetarian/vegan products to assess and verify compliance against V-Label guidelines (PVLABEL). The V-Label helps to identify vegetarian and vegan products at a glance. The seal, awarded by licensor proVeg Deutschland e.V., reliably identifies which products are vegetarian or vegan. The V-Label is an internationally recognized and protected trademark for the identification of vegetarian and vegan products.

QS Mark (QS Zertifizierung)
Eurofins ARS PROBATA is an independent certification body approved by QS and audits the QS scheme at the stages of the meat industry (from the feed mill to the store counter) and the fruit and vegetable sector.

KAT – Association for kontrollierte alternative Tierhaltungsformen e.V. covers the entire production chain from the feed farm, through rearing, laying farm, to the packing station and the egg product and food industry. It is a comprehensive certification on egg’s origin system.

VLOG is the certification of GMO-free production systems in accordance to the requirements of the Association of Foodstuffs without Genetic Engineering (PVLOG).

Geprüfte Qualität Bayern
Available in Bavaria, Germany, by displaying the "Geprüft" (meaning "approved") label, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to quality and reassure customers of their products' high standards. The standard is pplicable for all products and market steps.

Animal welfare - Für Mehr Tierschutz
The animal welfare label "Für Mehr Tierschutz" (For More Animal Welfare) of the German Animal Welfare Association is used to label products of animal origin that guarantee real added-value in terms of animal welfare for the animals.

ARS PROBATA is one of the first certification bodies for this standard "sustainable management", which covers the decisive elements in the company-specific implementation, according to the requirements of the Center for Sustainable Enterprise (ZNU) (PZNU).

Organic Audits
Eurofins ARS PROBATA is approved in all federal states for the control areas agriculture, processing, storage/marketing, import and contracting to third parties. The organic inspection body code is DE-ÖKO-044. The basis of the standard inspection program is the legal framework of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.
Looking for more information on above services? Send us an enquiry anytime, or contact our local offices for support!
Our certification activities are provided by independent companies and separate from consulting activities. Such services are also presented and sold to clients separately, not in bundle or packaged format. Impartiality is safeguarded by Eurofins Assurance’ relevant policies to avoid conflicts of interest.

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